Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why do we have shades of colour?

Imagine a world where everything and anything is black and white. I find that really hard to do because, my life is a sunshine of colour. From the moment of birth, the first time i opened my eyes colours amazed me; blues, pinks, yellows, greens although i wasn't able to recognise which colour is which at such a young age, it helped me remember things better with relation to it's colour.

Today colours are everywhere, some we have the option to choose which colour to use such as what colours to wear in the morning or which colour to use to paint the walls of the house. There are vast amounts of living or non-living things that we cannot control which colour it should be such as trees, soil, the sky yet, we relate these things according to the colour that they have.

Each colour has a representation to it; with Valentine's Day the colour's red and white are associated with love and romance.

Shades of colour are expressions of our lives through the actions we take or decide.


  1. I see life as everything as white and black.. So, for me, it's not that hard to imagine. I love how you expressed "Shades of colour" truly are expressions of our lives through the actions we take or decide. Awesome! I'll remember that one! Peace
